PRESTO KPI used to digitize performance management and enrich analytics-based decision making at Union Paper Mills of Dubai
August 2018
RECOVER, RECYCLE, RECREATE' - Collection of Waste Paper by Union Paper Mills keeps UAE’s environment neat and clean adding value to waste. Thus, UPM supports a world with an industry wherein paper production is less reliant on virgin fibre and forest products. By the use of the latest tecnology in environmental friendly manufacturing, UPM is known throughout the UAE as a pioneer in recycled waste paper to produce containerboard, benefiting the country in particular and the world at large in terms of reduction in carbon footprints.
From spreadsheets to real-time, cloud-based performance management
Having digital transformation on the top of its agenda and looking for a more effective way to review prior-day shop floor performance statistics and analytics in the daily morning management meeting, UPM chose PRESTO KPI as its KPI management solution to accelerate tactical decision making and remove the risks and administrative burden of the offline solutions (spreadsheets) previously used to manage 80+ daily performance indicators

- 01Paper produced
- 02paper dispatched
- 03Effluent discharge

- 01Electricity
- 02starch
- 03steam
- 04water
- 05chemical
- 06natural gas

preventative & corrective maintenance

No of shop floor accidents

downtime & waiting
Core objectives
- 01Enhance sense of urgency in the management of underperforming KPIs
- 02Increase sense of ownership and sense of purpose at the subject matter level
- 03Create a non-confrontational continuous improvement culture where issues, problems, and their related wastes are visible
- 04RReduce time dedicated by stakeholders to excessive documentation, paperwork and communication
- 05Solve problems at the seed level and attack waste by taking action before the problem becomes chronic
- 06Solve problems at the seed level and attack waste by taking action before the problem becomes chronic
- 07Automate UPM’s KPI management process to reduce risk and increase operational efficiency
Increased confidence via enhanced analytics
Using linear regression to accelerate decision making
By calculating the slope of the linear trend, KPIs are divided into 2 categories; uptrends and downtrends allowing for UPM team leaders to prioritise their attention and monitor more consistently performance indicators which indicate future poor performance
Real time performance reporting at 360°
Agreeing to perform
In a few short weeks, the entire set of UPM productivity KPIs were entered into PRESTO giving senior management daily top-down visibility into shop floor performance via the PRESTO dashboard and its supporting report sets
Benefits Summary
25 hours per week saved on administrative activities
158 continuous improvement opportunities approved
920 actions / tasks were identified
74 continuous improvement opportunities closed
582 actions / tasks complete
84 teams were setup with corresponding roles and responsibilities
642 employees were assigned roles and responsibilities
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