Don't get left in the Digital Stone Age

Your competitors profit while you miss process improvement opportunities! Use PRESTO P-D-C-A to empower your staff to collaborate, engage management and improve their processes daily for explosive results!

Module #6
Process Waste Management

Most companies fear that Continuous Improvement will create extra levels of stress on managers and are reluctant to invest in such programs. Take the first step forward! PRESTO P-D-C-A offers a simple, disciplined business process improvement methodology starting at the staff level without adding to their workload. In doing so, managers are engaged as coaches in hypothesis cultivation activities validating process improvement ideas and transforming them into a rich portfolio of improvement opportunities for senior management's buy-in.

Launch & sustain BPM in 4 simple steps


Capture your process portfolio & each process step in a single-point repository. Put recurring activity on autopilot via PRESTO's scheduler. Use the RACI matrix to assign ownership responsibility to increase sense of accountability & sense of urgency


Make knowledge retention top priority, stop re-inventing the wheel and eliminate the 'forgetting curve' ensuring that all process-related intellectual property is catalogued, correct and at your finger tips when you need it.


Give staff the mandate, incentive and tool kit they need to engage their managers consistently and effectively in process waste reduction & idea cultivation activities


Use a structured blue print to transform improvement ideas into plan-do-check-act (P-D-C-A) projects to present & approve with middle & senior management.


Report metrics & KPIs to help front line workers & senior manager understand how their process improvement efforts impact the company. Celebrate success in real time and share results across the company to stimulate friendly competition.

We know the frustration of analysis paralysis

Most companies don't realise how much time they lose in indecision. Overcome inertia and unlock efficiency to accelerate growth with PRESTO P-D-C-A

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Purchased all core issue management features in the 'Entrepreneur' subscription plan

Need a dedicated consultant to assist you mapping and improving your processes with a real-time KPI dashboard?

Learn more about our virtual coaching program here

The value proposition


Increase sense-of-ownership and sense-of-urgency at the process level so that staff members take a proactive approach in providing improvement ideas to their managers making your value chain more streamlined and secure

Let the big picture come from the top-down breaking company silos and giving 360° visibility into the company's vision, what tool sets and staff are available to support it and what roadblocks require immediate attention

Create a standard, company-wide catalogue of processes and all of its supporting intellectual property. Immortalize know-how by keeping it in a secure, centralised and easy-to-use platform to make on-the-fly decisions while having all the information you need about your people, processes, projects and technology right at your finger tips

Increase visibility &

Identify & eliminate
process waste

Save time when
locating information

Eliminate disconnected &
siloed teams

Now available in a monthly subscription

Whether your business is overseeing a financial transaction trade settlements team in an offshore centre of excellence, measuring excessive steam consumption in a paper mill or managing a 5-person consulting outfit, giving your process owners the accountability and mandate they need to improve is essential to remaining competitive in the years to come. Bring the discipline to improve with PRESTO P-D-C-A software allowing your team leaders the non-confrontational platform they need to give visibility to opportunity and the confidence you need to act.

transparency first

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Minimal & Affordable!

Process Management Unique Features

Waste Management
& Process Optimisation

PRESTO is the 1st software of its kind allowing you to capture process waste in 3 areas of process management including in the touchpoints by using PRESTO's S-I-P-O-C workbench


Enhance sense-of-ownership at all levels using the R-A-C-I matrix so each person feels accountable for the roles and responsibilities they have been assigned

Enhanced Roles &

Help team leaders 'manage up' by aligning roles to client demand patterns to assist in identifying where situations of over & under staffing exist

Checklist & Control
Step Manager

Assign talent profiles to each business process to allow increased confidence in matching work load expectations with role assignments

Document, File
& Media Management

Catalogue and make available with one click all the critical documents needed to support processes, roles and the training programs that support them. Supports all shared drive formats!

Objectives, Goals &
Target Management

Manage your targets with granular KPIs complete with threshold setting and message alerts to ensure that under performance is addressed in real time



Sign up in minutes

Why not? The 1st 14 days are on us! Create your account and begin streamlining processes instantly!


Explore intuitive tools

We have invested in creating 100s of hours of training videos. Discover the user friendly features and start innovating


Drive results immediately

Identify & analyse waste reduction opportunities using our guided template and launch improvement initiatives

App Screen shots

Clean design and full visual functionality for an optimised learning and user experience

Process Catalogue

Checklist Manager

Document Catalogue

Waste Catcher

Mastering business process waste management

6-minute case study video demo

Sustain Continuous Improvement in 8 Steps

3-minute explainer video

Join our growing community of users

Stop Hesitating,
Start Transforming!

With technology where it is, we firmly believe that team leaders should have all the tools they need to promote and support transparency, healthy competition and be available to coach their staff daily so that no employee falls behind and that daily incremental process improvements are identified, discussed and elaborated until they become initiatives. We understand your frustration in feeling insecure in taking steps forward to improve your processes and the regret when looking back to see what all the delays and postponed opportunities are really costing you.

For this reason we created PRESTO P-D-C-A which offers a new and innovative opportunity to innovation-hungry companies who are serious about growth.

Here is how to start: 1. Sign up for PRESTO's 14-day free trial. 2. Receive your login credential, login to PRESTO's training area and complete the exercises. 3. Start using PRESTO P-D-C-A to capture your company's operating model.

Of course, feel free to book a free 30-minute call with us prior to subscribing or during your subscription for an in-depth training.

Sign up for PRESTO P-D-C-A today so you can stop missing improvement opportunities and start adding incremental value and innovation to your offering!

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