Teach your team the art of expectation management

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Simple role and responsibility definition

    opportunity knocks

Behind every disgruntle project manager lies miscommunication in areas of roles, responsibilities and expectation setting. In most companies, the opportunity to bring change at the enterprise level is often characterised by late nights on the job accompanied by frustration and fatigue due to lack of structure in planning, lack of leadership support and failure to execute in key moments.

Consequently, such a work environment sends decision makers in a never-ending state of paralysis by analysis lowering employee engagement and morale to record levels.

Fortunately, in recent years this topic is finally making its way to the daily agendas CEOs driving growth-oriented companies to accept that the old way of managing enterprise change no longer works.

Our talented team of PMO change management professionals is pleased to bring to you PRESTO PDCA, our answer to the change management and continuous improvement challenges that you have been waiting for.

As an all-in-one enterprise change management software solution, PRESTO PDCA offers your leadership team top-down, real-time project governance visibility to the information needed to analyse risk in real time, provide support to its staff and accelerate decision making to take action.

Teach your team the art of expectation management and make effective role and responsibility definition business-as-usual across your company with PRESTO PDCA.

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5 reasons to invest in PMO software

CASE STUDY -- First phase of fail-fast, fail-forward innovation mentorship program complete at Alvis of Ohio


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