Featured demos
Plug-n-Play Quick Start
If this is your first time using PRESTO, here are the 6 key exercises you need to master to become an advanced user. In this showroom we have included sprint videos and cheat sheets for even the least experienced users who are just beginning their PRESTO journey.

Document Management System
Most companies are still struggling with their portfolio of support documents and files. Version control, lost files and excessive time spent trying to find critical documents are only a few of the symptoms what a poorly organised document management system is costing you. Fortunately at Dupont Toys, document management has become quick, easy and even fun. Check out how the Dupont team has leveraged PRESTO Paperless Office, our file and document management system in this one-of-a-kind showroom demo here!

BPM and waste management
Meet Samuel Dupont, Managing Director at Dupont Toys, Swiss Toy manufacturer since 1937. Samuel has recently joined the team and has been asked to bring the culture of continuous improvement to the entire staff. In particularly, Samuel has been tasked with teaching his team how to identify, analyse and eliminate process waste that continues to have negative impacts on client service, employee morale, and profitability. We at TOPP TI are delighted to be Samuel's continuous improvement partner and are assisting him by providing PRESTO Digital Enterprise, our operational excellence performance governance solution, offering Samuel the platform he needs to bring a non-confrontational, collaboration-based, waste management culture to Dupont. Let's go see how it works.

Strategy cascade & performance governance
Meet Samuel Dupont, Managing Director at Dupont Toys, Swiss Toy manufacturer since 1937. Samuel has recently taken the lead role at the company and is expected to digitise the Dupont strategy deployment program to ensure there is a more robust top-down governance of the short and long-term business goals and the KPI portfolio that supports them. Samuel has chosen PRESTO Digital Enterprise as his tool of choice to manage all the elements of change that await the company and the metrics that will be crucial for his management team to accelerate and take strategic and tactical action.

Enterprise issue management
This business simulation is dedicated to the management of operational issues and the key elements necessary to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the capture, review, analysis and execution of the required corrective actions and issue root cause analysis. We have partnered with Dupont Toys, a mid-size Swiss toy manufacturer in putting theory into practice under the framework of our ticket management solution PRESTO Issue Manager (aka PRESTO IM). Throughout the course of this simulation, we invite the viewer to stop and reflect at each exercise reviewing the PRESTO logic and taking the time to understand where PRESTO's automated work flow offers sense of urgency, sense of ownership and sense of purpose discipline to all of its users.

Start using PRESTO immediately free-of-charge
PRESTO is available immdiately. Subscribe online and try PRESTO for 14 days prior to commencing with the billing cycle.