Role Allocation & Job Descriptions
The Role Allocation & Job Descriptions feature is a key tool for team leaders to effectively manage their teams. This panel allows leaders to allocate roles to team members, ensuring that responsibilities are clearly defined and understood. Additionally, team leaders can access and refine job descriptions for their teams, tailoring them to meet specific needs and requirements. By keeping roles and job descriptions up-to-date, team leaders demonstrate their attention to detail and their commitment to maintaining order and efficiency within their teams. This feature not only supports better resource management but also facilitates clear communication of expectations, contributing to a well-organized and productive team environment.
Reconciling Roles
1. The 'Span of Control' indicator is displayed as red when role allocation does not align to the members of staff on the team
2. Click on the team to access the functional operating model summary panel
3. Click here to access the role description panel
4. The reason for the red indicator on the dashboard is due to the actual allocation of resources that does not align to the planned allocation of resources. Enter the appropriate planned vs. actual allocated number of resources
5. Now the planned allocation of resources ties with the actual
6. Access the Role Allocation panel to align the planned % vs. actual %
7. Now the planned vs. actual resource allocation % is reconciled
Job Descriptions
8. Click here to enter the Job Description creator workbench
9. Click here to add bullet points for employee expectations & requirements
10. Click here to view the completed Job Description
Congratulations! You have completed the exercise