RACI Accountability Matrix Set-Up
The RACI Accountability Matrix in Presto PDCA allows users to assign clear roles and responsibilities for each KPI, ensuring accountability and efficient management of performance data. Using the RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) framework, users can designate individuals who will play specific roles in KPI tracking and reporting. Typically, the Responsible party is the person tasked with capturing and reporting the KPI data, while the Accountable party holds ultimate responsibility for the KPI's performance and is answerable if targets are not met. This structured assignment of roles helps clarify expectations, facilitates accountability, and ensures that all necessary stakeholders are involved in managing the KPI effectively.
Configuring the RACI Accountability Matrix
Use RACI to enhance roles & responsibilities with KPI management
1. Select team
2. Access the KPI Workbench
3. Select KPI
4. Access the RACI Accountability assignment panel
5. Assign R-A-C-I accountability
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