Formula KPI Configuration
Formula KPIs in Presto PDCA are powerful tools that allow users to track complex metrics derived from multiple data sources. These KPIs are built using configurable formulas, combining various numerical feeds to create a single, meaningful metric. When setting up a Formula KPI, users can define custom fields for manual entry, configure automatic data feeds, or even reference other KPIs as input sources. This flexibility allows for seamless integration of different data points, making it easier to capture and report sophisticated performance indicators.
Formula KPIs are especially useful for metrics that require aggregation or calculations from multiple sources. For example, Employee Productivity Rate can be calculated by dividing hours worked by output volume, combining input from both time-tracking and production systems. Similarly, Gross Profit Margin may be configured as a Formula KPI by subtracting cost of goods sold from revenue, using sales and expense data. Other examples include Customer Retention Rate, which could be calculated using new and returning customer data, or Cost per Acquisition, derived by dividing total marketing spend by the number of new customers acquired.
By configuring Formula KPIs, users can monitor and manage complex performance metrics with greater precision, allowing for more accurate, data-driven insights across the organization.
Creating Formula-Based KPIs
Use the formula function to create multi-data KPIs
1. Select team
2. Access the KPI Workbench
3. Select KPI
4. Access the Formula Configuration panel
5. Click here to create customized formula
6. Create customized field (1)
7. Add first customized field
8. Repeat
9. Add second customized field
10. Prepare to enter formula statement here
11. Enter formula statement here
12. Save
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