Increased number of ideas from your staff to drive innovation discussions

Less time lost in administrative activities from real-time dashboard & reporting

Enhanced visibility into innovation implementation costs & benefits empowering quicker decisions

Unleash creativity: Power your company with brainstorm brilliance and innovation!

Inspire your team to pro actively collect, analyze and transform ideas into action. Get started today!

Module #15
Idea Crowdsourcing

Empower your organization with Presto P-D-C-A's idea crowdsourcing providing a dedicated dashboard for capturing and evaluating innovative staff ideas. Senior management can initiate targeted challenges inviting staff members to easily submit ideas, detailing potential benefits. With transparent evaluation and voting by managers, prioritizing high-voted ideas becomes democratic, driving real change and improvement throughout your organization. Harness collective intelligence and unlock your organization's innovation potential.

Setting up this powerful tool is easier than you think! Follow these four simple steps to get started

1. Ignite innovation: Challenge your staff to think outside the box

Management identifies areas for creative thinking, sparking innovation across the organization

2. Empower your staff: Share ideas with management

Staff submit their insights and solutions, contributing to the innovation journey

3. Evaluate and elevate: Review ideas with management

Management assesses each idea, determining costs, benefits, and short listing for action using Presto's up-vote feature

4. Drive change: Launch projects with confidence

Management launches projects via Presto's Change Management module, driving transformation with clear tasks and deliverables

foster loyalty,

Harness the collective brilliance of your team through idea crowdsourcing to revolutionize innovation culture

The value proposition


Having a multitude of ideas readily accessible on your dashboard ensures a diverse pool of innovative solutions, fostering creativity and enabling swift decision-making based on a wealth of options.

Presto's real-time reporting available on the dashboard allows your managers to spend much less time on administrative tasks and more time on reviewing and analysing your portfolio of ideas.

By leveraging a robust tool for collective analysis and brainstorming, managers can confidently present a range of next-step opportunities derived from thoroughly evaluated ideas. This proactive approach ensures that potential opportunities are meticulously explored and maximized, driving innovation and fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the organization.





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PRESTO's Unique Features

Skills Matrix
(aka Competency Wheel)

PRESTO is the 1st software of its kind offering both process competencies and transversal skills management in PRESTO's simple 4-steps-to-excellence skill mapping function


Enhance sense-of-ownership at all levels using the R-A-C-I matrix so each person feels accountable for the roles and responsibilities they have been assigned

Enhanced Roles &

Help team leaders 'manage up' by aligning roles to client demand patterns to assist in identifying where situations of over & under staffing exist

Process to Talent Profile

Assign talent profiles to each business process to allow increased confidence in matching work load expectations with role assignments

Document, File
& Media Management

Catalogue and make available with one click all the critical documents needed to support processes, roles and the training programs that support them. Supports all shared drive formats!

Objectives, Goals &
Target Management

Manage your targets with granular KPIs complete with threshold setting and message alerts to ensure that under performance is addressed in real time



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We understand the challenges with empowering engagement

We understand the complexities of nurturing innovation and fostering idea generation within your organization. As a business leader, you aim for excellence, yet managing idea generation effectively can be daunting. Without a robust idea management strategy, your organization may struggle to capture creative insights, develop innovative solutions, and adapt to evolving market demands.

In today's fast-paced business landscape, we believe that organizations need access to comprehensive tools that streamline idea management, promote transparency, and drive efficiency. Our Idea Crowdsourcing Module within Presto P-D-C-A offers a solution to your challenges, providing a dedicated platform to capture, evaluate, and implement innovative ideas proposed by your staff. Empower your team leaders to initiate targeted challenges, inviting contributions from specific teams and workgroups, fostering a culture of innovation and problem-solving throughout the organization.

Here is how to start: 1. Reach out to us to assess your organization's idea management needs. 2.Sign up and integrate your company's challenges into Presto's online portal. 3. Provide training to your team leaders to leverage the full potential of Presto's Idea Crowdsourcing Module.

Book your 30-minute discovery demo today and embark on the journey towards unlocking creativity, driving innovation, and fostering a culture of continuous idea generation within your organization.

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